Mittwoch, 6. Dezember 2017

Book Review Part 4 Buchbesprechung Teil 4 en-de

Book Review Part 4 Buchbesprechung Teil 4 en-de

(Autor: Robert Rickler Regensburg)

This is the fourth part of a book review of "The Israeli Solution" written by Caroline Glick. (Look here: )

Dies ist der vierte Teil einer Buchbesprechung des Buches "The Israeli Solution" von Caroline Glick. (Siehe hier: )

C.G. describes the important role of Haj Amin el-Husseini.

C.G. beschreibt die bedeutende Rolle von Haj Amin el-Husseini.



"Husseini played a major role in shaping the two major modern political streams in the Arab and Islamic world—National Socialism and Islamism."

"One of Husseini’s greatest contributions to Arab politics, both in the Palestine Mandate and throughout the Arab world, was his fusion of Islamic Jew hatred from the Koran with European racial anti-Semitism."

The British made Husseini the mufti of Jerusalem and the leader of the Supreme Muslim Council.

Die Briten machten Husseini zum Mufti von Jerusalem und zum Führer der Obersten Muslimischen Ratsversammlung.



"The two offices gave Husseini absolute control of the Muslim community’s religious and economic life:"

C.G. describes, how Husseini forged his views, when he was young.

C.G. beschreibt, wie Husseini seine Ansichten formte, als er jung war.



"..., Husseini forged his Islamic views as a young man in high school and university in Cairo. It was through those studies as well that he developed a genocidal, all-encompassing hatred of Jews as the enemies of God."

(To be continued.)

(Fortsetzung folgt.)

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